At the end of April, the Ferry Dusika track bike stadium closes its doors for a summer break. The track bikes are transferred from the cabins to the cellars. Only the intrepid Fixie riders are still on the road in Vienna on their city bikes with a rigid transmission.
Both types of cyclists met at the first “KonCrit” Fixed Gear Criterion on May 26th in the popular Cyclodrom. On the 900 m stretch with a wide, flat and a narrow, sloping left turn, road criteria are usually used. A relaxed atmosphere and wonderful summer weather brought many spectators and some courageous participants to the Danube Island.
For the Giant Omnium track wheel with Felix’s Chase Track track wheels it was the first contact with real road surface. From the start flag on, the 30 laps were tackled. At first quite restrained, after some rounds getting faster and faster.
The day before the last time trial of the Wienerwald Cup took place, perfect warm up for the 40-minute race. The average speeds in the Cyclodrom were again as expected high – 39.5 km/h Average – Fixed. Repeated attacks and vehement speeding led to a reduction of the field of participants, overlapped drivers were taken out of the race. It came to the finish sprint between Felix and two other drivers. On the home stretch there was a noticeable headwind, the position at the top was a disadvantage. With constant acceleration and the closing of the right line, the target sprint became a matter for the stiff Chase wheels. A victory.
photos Martin Granadia
At the beginning of the MTB racing season Manfred won the silver medal in the elite class at the Cross Country National Championships!
The electrity plant Donaustadt in Vienna is usually only known as orientation point on the way to Lobau if cycling on the danube island in Vienna. On Sunday, for the first time it was the location and beautiful scenery for a cyclo-cross race. About 100 starters did prefer cycling and competed in three different races instead of celebrating the last Sunday before christmas quiet at home. In the main competition lasting 60 minutes, there were even two Chase athletes participating.
The track was mostly flat but due to a lot of holes demanding for body and material. In combination with the partially heavy wind, it was a very strategic race. After the first half, you could watch the first really severe attacks. It ended very positively for Felix and with a third row for Manfred, only some seconds after him.
Results of Wien-Energie Kraftwerks-Cross
Having the Austrian cross-country championship in mind that will take place in January in St.Pölten, both athletes can be really proud of their performance so far and there is still time to work on the last fine tunings concerning their skills.
Felix Schneider and Bernhard Weis lined up for the Leithaberg cycling marathon on June 4th for team Chase in category “120km men elite”. They performed 3 rounds with each 40km in length. They also had to face several short and long elevation gains.
The event started at 9:14 a.m. for those who chose to cycle 120km.
The bikers had to cope with extremely high temperatures. Therefore, their top priority was to optimally use their strengths and constantly keep an eye on their fluid balance.
The race has been additionally complicated by the tough wind conditions, which are mostly typical for Burgenland.
Just two weeks after his comeback at the “Velo Vertical Vienne 2017” Felix Ritzinger vigorously participated in a training camp in Vinschgau.
Due to a longer training break, Felix could unfortunately not train as hard as he did in the past.
Distance: 600km Elevation gains: 15000m
These are numbers, which are definitely feared by most athletes. Nevertheless, Felix was on to every dodge and easily survived all 5 days of the camp.
However, you would not expect anything else from top athletes with ChaseUp equipment.
On the 27th of May Bernhard Weis participated in the Linz triathlon and could fortunately improve his personal 1,9/90/21km distance record.
He had a great start in the swim, it only took him 30 minutes to achieve the first target.
His aerodynamic bicycle enabled him to drive 36km/h on average. In only 2 hours 35 minutes he could easily finish the 90km.
Probably the hardest part of the triathlon, the run, turned into an heated battle due to the hot temperatures the bikers had to cope with.
Therefore, their top-priority was to permanently keep an eye on their fluid and energy balance.
At the end of the day, special thanks to Lukas Steinbichlers and Philipp Gahs cheering, Bernard Weis reached the finish line in 05:04:46 h.